Knights of Columbus
Council #11067
Church of the Nativity

Council News

March 3, 2025

Bob Vedder was awarded the Knight of the Quarter at our March council meeting. Bob has been an active member of our cook team and involved in leadership for many years. Pictured L/R are Mark Mason (Grand Knight), Bob Vedder, and Michael Shirley (KofQ Presenter).

February 3, 2025

We had 1 new transfer and 2 new members join our council at our monthly meeting. Pictured L/R are Ben Biller (Membership Chairman), Mark Mason (Grand Knight), Adam Barber (New Transfer), John Fournier, and Devin Patterson.

December 8, 2024

Thank you to the all the Knights who helped cook and serve the breakfast with Santa. A special thanks to Jim & Joanne Redd and John Caulfield for the photos with Santa.

November 4, 2024

Our council gained three transfers and five new members at our November meeting. Pictured L/R are Luke Becker, Joe Spaniol, Deacon Scott Tampke, Kway Yee (transfer from Long Island NY), Don Loeffelholz (transfer from St Thomas Moore), Mike Czinege, Al Davison (transfer from Omaha), Doug Dahl, Ben Biller (Membership Chairman). Welcome to the Knights and our council.

November 4, 2024

Our Knight of the Quarter is recent past Grand Knight Tim Kane. Tim has been an active Knight for many years and served a our Council Financial Secretary for several years and then as Grand Knight for the past two years. Pictured L/R are Mike Shirley (KofQ Presenter), Mark Mason (Current Grand Knight), and Tim Kane.

November 2, 2024

Thank you to all the parishioners and members who helped fill two trucks with food donations for Catholic Charities.

September 10, 2024

Thank you to the Knights who helped prep, serve, and cleanup for the Parish block party rosary.

July 1, 2024

Our Knight of the Quarter is Craig Marrow. Craig joined our council in late 2021 and has been very a very active member of our cook team. Pictured L/R Mark Mason (Grand Knight), Craig Morrow, and Mike Shirley (KofQ Presenter)

July 1, 2024

Our council gained two new members prior to our monthly meeting. Pictured L/R are Mark Mason (Grand Knight), Steve Pittman, Rocky Osborn, and Ben Biller (Membership Chairman)

June 9, 2024

Thank you to the Parish for supporting the Knight's food drive for Catholic Charities.

June 3, 2024

Current Grand Knight Tim Kane passed the gavel to incoming Grand Knight Mark Mason. Mark Mason was elected to serve as Grand Knight for the years of 2024 and 2025 starting in July.

May 6, 2024

Three new members joined our council as third degree Knights. Pictured L/R are Ben Biller (Membership Chairman), Rob Toplikar, Adam Caine, Eddie Pagosa, and Tim Kane (Grand Knight)

April 1, 2024

Scott Tampke spoke to our council during our regular meeting. Scott will be ordained as a permanent Deacon this June. L/R Tim Kane (Grand Knight), Scott Tampke, Michael Shirley.

April 1, 2024

The council welcomed two new transfers into our council. Pictured L/R are Ben Biller (Membership Chairman), Seth Shriwise , Wade Binfield, Tim Kane (Grand Knight)

March 4, 2024

Ben Giefer went through exemplification and joined our council as a third degree member prior to our meeting. Pictured are Tim Kane (Grand Knight), Ben Giefer, and Ben Biller (Membership Chairman).

March 4, 2024

Our council presented the full proceeds of our Roses for Life fundraiser of $3300 to Advice and Aid. Pictured L/R are John Brinker, Mike Bartkoski, Ruth Tisdale (Executive Director of Advice & Aid), JWes Crockett (Community Relations Director for Advice & Aid)

March 4, 2024

Bill Powers was recognized as Knight of the Quarter for his dedication to service and being a role model in our Parish School. Pictured L/R Michael Shirley (KofQ Chairman), Bill Powers, Tim Kane (Grand Knight).

January 21, 2024

Thank you to all who donated to our Roses for Life campaign after Masses. A special thank you to John Brinker for preparing the roses and the members who helped distribute after Masses. All monies raise will go to Advice and Aid.

January 14, 2024

Division winners for the free throw contest are Tyler McClain, William McClain, Edison Leiker, Owen McClain, Oliver Wagner, and Christopher Rohr.

January 8, 2024

Our council welcomed two new member during our January meeting. Pictured L/R are Tim Kane (Grand Knight), David Pope, Mike LeCluyse, & Ben Biller (Membership Chairman)

December 16, 2023

Thanks again for Jim & Joanne Redd for their role as Mr & Mrs Claus and to our cook team of L/R Tim Kane, Erik Bendorf, Gene Zwolinski, Ron Johnson, Bill Becker and Joe Vogliardo (not pictured Tom & Ricky Whitehead) for preparing the Santa Breakfast for the Foster Family ministry.

December 10, 2023

Thank you to John Caulfield, Mr & Mrs Clause and the member Knights who put on a great breakfast with Santa.

November 30, 2023

Randy Monson lead a group of about a dozen members to set up the outdoor life-size Nativity scene for the Advent season.

November 6, 2023

Our council added 3 new members and 3 transfer member at out November meeting. Pictured L/R are new members Stuart Smith, Jeff Akerly, Martin Wilson, and transfer members Art Moore, Paul Stover, Ron Johnson.

September 12, 2023

Our council added 5 new members and one transfer member at out September meeting. Pictured L/R are Tim Kane (Grand Knight), Kevin Jeffries, David Rothermich (transfer), Brad Angermeier, Josh Smith, Dutch Schorgl, Ben Biller (Membership Chairman), and Bob Benson

September 12, 2023

Joe Terranova was presented with our Knight of the Quarter award. Joe joined our council and has been a tremendous addition to our cook team and lead our smoke events over the last couple of years.

September 12, 2023

If you haven't been to a Knights meeting lately, you may be missing the best social event for men in Leawood. We offer brief meetings, great food and drinks, and time before and after the meeting to hang out with great Catholic men.

July 6, 2023

Mark Mason was presented with our Knight of the Quarter award. Mark transferred to our council in 2014, has been very active in all of our programs, and is currently our Deputy Grand Knight. He is a 4th degree Knight and has been previously been involved with the State Council. Pictured L/R Tim Kane (Grand Knight), Mark Mason (Knight of the Quarter), and Michael Shirley (KOQ Chairman)

June 5, 2023

Big month for new members! Pictured L/R: Tim Kane (Grand Knight), Jim Williams, Mickey Shawbitz, Scott Balog, Jan Grzymala-Busse, Tim Saettele, Seth Shriwise, Jack Hunter, Ben Biller (Membership Chairman).

May 1, 2023

Tom Young transferred into our council and advanced through the third degree just prior to our monthly council meeting on May 1st. Tom has been a Knight for 15 years and is transferring from his home parish in St Louis. Pictured L/R is Tim Kane (Grand Knight), Tom Young, Ben Biller (Membership Chairman).

March 6, 2023

Our Nativity Council was formed in March of 1993. Several of the founding members were at our council meeting and spoke on the progression of our Council. Pictured L/R are Robert Thompson, Bill Orscheln, Dave Evers, Mike Gorman, & Dennis Donnelly.

March 6, 2023

Tim Kane presented Lee Pallardy with our Knight of the Quarter award. Lee joined the Knights and our council in April of 2021, volunteered in many activities immediately, and is now an important part of our leadership team.

February 24, 2023

Great start to the Lenten Fish Fries with over 480 meals served! Tell your friends to come next week. Please consider dropping off a dessert if you would like to contribute. Thanks for your support.

February 6, 2023

Tim Bracht joined the Order and our council and Marv Early transferred his membership to join our council. Pictured L/R is Tim Kane (Grand Knight), Marv Early, Tim Bracht, Ben Biller (Membership Chairman).

February 6, 2023

Advice and Aid Director Ruth Tisdale was presented with a check for $3300 which represented the total proceeds of our Roses for Life distribution after Masses the weekend of January 21st. Pictured L/R are Mike Bartkoski, Ruth Tisdale, and John Brinker.

January 15, 2023

Parish free throw contest age group winners. Pictured L/R Tyler McClain (10 yr girls), Gweneth Bush (9 yr girls), Drake Bush (11 yr boys), Will McClain (12 yr boys), Owen McClain (10 yr boys), Graham Fisher (9 yr boys)

January 9, 2023

Gene Zwolinski was presented with the Star Council award for surpassing council growth of programs and personnel during the prior council year. The award was presented by District Deputy Tim Renfro.

January 9, 2023

Pat Leiker went through the exemplification ceremony and joined our council prior to our monthly meeting. Pictured L/R Tim Kan (Grand Knight), Dave Leiker (Pat's 4th degree father), Pat Leiker, Ben Biller (Membership Chairman)

December 11, 2022

Thank you to John Caulfield, Santa and the member Knights who put on a great breakfast with Santa.

December 5, 2022

A great turnout for the annual Christmas party in the Parish hall. Thank you to Garozzo’s for the great catered meal, Liz Hagen for the decorations, and to Joe Falco for organizing.

November 28, 2022

It was a beautiful day for setting up the Nativity Scene! Thank you to all who were able to help in the setup.

November 13, 2022

Matt Textor was one of two of our council members who was awarded the Lumen Christi award at the annual Parish appreciation dinner.

November 13, 2022

John Caulfield was one of two of our council members who was awarded the Lumen Christi award at the annual Parish appreciation dinner.

November 13, 2022

Thank you to all who helped and donated to the Nativity Food Drive. Pictured from L/R are Tim Kane, Lee Pallardy, John Harrington, Lloyd Asikainen.

November 7, 2022

Dan Smith went through the degree ceremony and joined our council. Welcome Dan.

November 7, 2022

John Brinker was awarded the Knight of the Quarter. John was described as a utility player for his willingness to step in and take over and help with a variety of our projects. Thank you John.

August 2, 2022

Two new members joined our council. Pictured L/R are Mark Mason (Deputy Grand Knight), Ben Biller (Membership Chairman), Dr Jon Wagner, and Jim Pateidl (new members).

July 11, 2022

John Caulfield was awarded the Knight of the Quarter for all of his volunteer involvement over the years as the Parish photographer. Pictured L/R are Tim Kane (Grand Knight), John Caulfield (Knight of the Quarter), Mike Shirley (KofQ Presenter).

July 11, 2022

Two new members joined and one transfer into our council. Pictured L/R are Tim Kane (Grand Knight), William Becker (transfer), Cherian Kizhakekara & Tim Wood (new members), and Ben Biller (Membership Chairman).

May 2, 2022

Three new members joined our council. Pictured L/R are Gene Zwolinski (Grand Knight) Chris Sain, Matt Moore, Jim DeStefano, and Steve Heeney (Membership Director). Andrew Black (not pictured) transferred into our council.

April 8, 2022

It was great to have in person fish fries again. Thank you to our cook team and all the volunteers who made it a successful year.

April 7, 2022

Tom Fowler was awarded Knight of the Quarter for his dedication to our Knights council over many years. Pictured L/R are Gene Zwolinski (Grand Knight), Tom Fowler (Knight of the Quarter), Mike Shirley (KofQ Presenter).

March 9, 2022

Five new members joined our council. Pictured L/R are Jim Johnson, Dr. Dennis Bresnahan, Dr. Matt Hall, Ben Biller (Membership Chairman), Tim Titus, & Dr Alex Capelli.

February 7, 2022

Four new members Gil Gilliam, Mike Dostal, Bill Charcutt, and Josh Hurtado joined our council. Pictured L/R Gene Zwolinski (Grand Knight), Gil Gilliam, Mike Dostal, Bill Charcutt, Josh Hurtado, Steve Heeney (Membership Director)

February 7, 2022

Ruth Tisdale, Executive Director of Advice and Aid was presented with a check for $3200.00. This was the total collections from our Rose for Life event in January. Pictured L/R Bob Vedder, Ruth Tisdale (Advice & Aid Director), Ben Biller

January 10, 2022

Allan Kowal was presented with the Knight of the Quarter award. Allan volunteers for many activities and is consistently our top raffle revenue generator. Pictured L/R Tom Whitehead (KofQ Presenter), Allan Kowal (Knight of the Quarter), Gene Zwolinski (Grand Knight)

Archived News